It’s time to stop letting your difficult family members drive you crazy.
Watch the free webinar workshop with Annie Wright, LMFT
Hey, my friend. Does any of the following sound familiar?
No one in your life—not your friends, your partner, nor your colleagues— no one makes you feel as bad about yourself as your family members.
You feel empowered at the office, beloved by your friends, but like an emotional hot mess with the people you’re related to.
Your family thinks that you’re “too sensitive”, “too emotional” and “over-reacting” when you try to talk to them about what bothers you.
Their responses make you doubt yourself and you wonder, “Am I too sensitive? Am I crazy for feeling this way? Are they right?”
You honestly just don’t know what to do anymore with this person.
Stay, go, leave the relationship?
You don’t know how to be in a relationship (or even if that’s possible!) with someone as difficult as this person, and you have no idea what to do next.
You’re worried about setting boundaries with one of your family members because you’re afraid you’ll lose all of the other family members.
The cost of standing up for yourself seems too high. You feel trapped.
You’ve heard the terms “boundaries” and “healthy relationships” before but you don’t really know what this means.
You’re afraid to talk to friends about what’s going on because you don’t think they’d get it.
Their families are way more normal.
Put plainly, the difficult relationship you have with this person makes you feel bad.
You’re so tired of feeling this way, but you also don’t feel like there’s another option, or a chance that things will ever get better.
You’re resigned to things not changing and you’re starting to become resigned to feeling bad.
After all, everyone’s family is difficult, right?
Not exactly…

If any of this sounds familiar, like I’m inside your head, your diary, or your therapy session, keep reading my friend.
Look, I get it.
You don’t want your family to drive you crazy anymore.
You want to be able to hold boundaries with the difficult people in your life and start feeling good about yourself again.
You’d like to feel empowered, grounded, and like your best adult self with your family.
And not like that angry, reactive teen that they seem to bring out in you.
You want to feel like a grounded, empowered adult with your family.
You’d like someone to understand that the level of dysfunction, estrangement, and challenge that you have with your family isn’t just run of the mill dysfunction.
It’s hard. Really, really hard. And you need heavy duty help with it.
The regular relationship advice just doesn’t apply in your situation.
You’d like to understand what your choices are.
Is it possible to stay in contact with some family members, but not with others?
Is this even possible?
How can you do it skillfully when there’s multiple relationships involved? If there are kids involved?
You want to set and hold good boundaries without feeling guilty, anxious, and racked with doubt each time they push back (because they will).
Honestly, you’d even like to know what a good boundary actually is!
Let alone how to assert it and hold it.
Most of all, though, you’d like for someone to take you by the hand and give you actual scripts and a step-by-step guide to having hard conversations.
You want to know how to skillfully communicate and set effective boundaries with difficult people.
You want concrete tools to cope with the backlash you may get from your family and support for dealing with your own hard feelings.
And you’d like to know when and if it might be possible to shift those boundaries or what to do if your boundaries are forced to change.

You want to feel good no matter who is in your life.
If all of this sounds amazing, but it also sounds like a fairytale, I understand.
You may imagine that other people can learn what boundaries are, set them, and get the results they want, but you still believe that your situation is different.
Your family dynamics feel harder, more complicated, more tenuous, and all of the usual “boundary setting” advice doesn’t really apply to your situation.
You like the idea of setting boundaries, but, to you, it feels completely selfish to do so.
It flies in the face of what you’ve learned that being family-oriented and loving means.
You fear that if you set a boundary you’ll be perceived by others as unkind, uncaring, and selfish.
It feels like a double bind.
Either set a boundary and take care of yourself, or “be a good family member.”
You’re afraid that, if you do set a boundary, you’ll permanently lose or damage that relationship.
And you’re also afraid that you might lose relationships with other family members tied to that person.
The risk seems too big, the cost too high.
You’re worried that you’re being reactive, over sensitive, and a big part of you believes what they say - that you should just “get over it.”
They’re family, right?
You just have to deal with family no matter how hard they are...
Well no, not exactly…

Hard Families, Good Boundaries
A step-by-step online program to feeling good and empowered no matter who is in your life.
Hard Families, Good Boundaries.
Hard Families, Good Boundaries is a six-module video course with an accompanying, transformational 53-page journaling workbook, multiple guided audio meditations, four incredible bonuses, and includes lifetime access of a private peer Facebook group.
This signature program will teach you how to feel good no matter who is in your life.
There are two enrollment options for this course.
Your Enrollment Options
Pay In Full
Pay in full to receive a special bonus “When your in-laws are the issue.”
6 modules of video lessons.
53-page fillable workbook.
Bonus #1: A therapist-curated reading list.
Bonus #2: Say this, not that: 75 scripts.
Bonus #3: A care package for hard days.
Bonus #4: When no contact is the best option.
Lifetime access to a private Facebook group with amazing peer support.
Lifetime access to the course materials.
Payment Plan
4 Payments of $151
Select the payment plan to receive the lowest monthly payment.
6 modules of video lessons.
53-page fillable workbook.
Bonus #1: A therapist-curated reading list.
Bonus #2: Say this, not that: 75 scripts.
Bonus #3: A care package for hard days.
Bonus #4: When no contact is the best option.
Lifetime access to a private Facebook group with amazing peer support.
Lifetime access to the course materials.
What People Are Saying
“Annie’s work has provided me with an understanding of my place within my birth family, guidance on being true to myself and caring for myself, and tools for thoughtfully and compassionately dealing with my family before and after my father’s illness and death. Annie helped me come through two rough years much more prepared for a future of positive relationships.”
“For a long time I thought that my family of origin was “normal.” But when I got married and started my own family I knew I wanted my children to have a different childhood than mine. Through Annie’s work I have learned what healthy boundaries look like and recognized how dysfunctional my “normal” childhood was. Annie’s work encouraged me to look at difficult family relationships with curiosity and compassion not judgment and I was able to set boundaries with difficult family members. My relationships have improved in theory and practice. By setting boundaries with my parents I am much more relaxed when I visit and it no longer takes me weeks to “get over” it.”
“As someone seeking to break the cycle of family dysfunction and shame, I feel really validated by Annie’s work. Understanding how even a childhood without intentional abuse, with a parent who themselves was traumatised, can lead to depression and self doubt, has helped me enormously. There are lots of resources available about this, but Annie seems to really understand it.”
“Several years ago I made the hard decision to end my relationship with my only sibling after years of trying (and failing) to enforce good boundaries. This was a difficult decision, but honestly, I have felt great relief since ending this relationship. The real trouble has been trying to maintain a relationship with my parents, who don't understand or respect my decision to cut off from my sibling. I was already considered the black sheep of my family - now I'm the black sheep whose (healthy) boundaries cause everyone pain and suffering. This journey has been complicated, painful, and lonely. When I found Annie's work, I felt I had connected with a kindred spirit. Suddenly, I wasn't alone and realized that I was far from the only person coping with a difficult family. Annie's work has helped me build a toolbox of resources and ideas I use to navigate this never-ending drama with my family. Annie's work has been a sanity saver for me.”
— John, Portland, Oregon
Before And After Hard Families, Good Boundaries…
You spend your whole year dreading the holidays, weddings, graduations, reunions, and baby showers because you know you’ll have to deal with that one family member who drives you crazy.
You spend annual holidays in the ways you truly want and you find skillful, self-supporting ways to attend or not attend “obligatory” family gatherings no matter who is there.
You feel gaslit, guilty, and “crazy” after being in contact with your challenging family members. You feel bad and start to doubt yourself, you take on way too much responsibility for the interaction.
You feel calm, clear, empowered, and grounded before, during, and after being in contact with your family members. Their negative opinions and words don’t shake your sense of self or your boundaries.
Your phone feels like a bomb in your pocket. You feel at the mercy of that other person’s texts, calls, and pings. You don’t want to interrupt your workday to get back to them, you’ll be upset for the rest of the day if you do. And if you don’t pick up, they’ll be upset with you.
You only allow supportive, healthy individuals to have access to you (in-person and digitally) and you set the terms and boundaries around your availability so that you don’t compromise your time and well-being for theirs. You easily set clear boundaries with anyone.
You’re afraid to let family members know certain details about your life - your recent raise, your upcoming international trip, who you’re dating - because you feel that if you “give an inch, they’ll take a mile” and you don’t know how to deal with it if they do.
You feel empowered, calm, and clear about what you share and what to do if someone uses that information in a way you don’t like. You feel more authentically connected to your relationships when and if you do share.
Your Course Curriculum
Module 1:
Intro and Welcome
Why boundaries are incredibly important and what benefits you can expect when you begin working on them.
The surprisingly common statistics about challenging families, estrangement, and why this course is so needed.
Why this work transformed my own life, and why and how I created this course curriculum to help transform yours.
The central question you must ask and answer before beginning boundary setting with hard family members.
Module 2:
Healthy Vs Unhealthy Relationships
What exactly is a healthy relationship? The defining attributes and definitions.
What exactly is an unhealthy relationship? The defining attributes and definitions.
Why healthy relationship experiences are important to our well-being, but critical if you’re trying to heal from a relational trauma background.
What reparative relationship experiences are, and how to seek them out.
How to increase your self esteem and how to make seeking out healthy relationships and setting healthy boundaries feel intuitive and ingrained in you.
Module 3:
Boundaries 101
What actually is a boundary?
How to know when, how, and if your own boundaries are being crossed (and what you’d prefer instead).
The most common reasons that stop people from setting boundaries even when they want and need to.
Why, again, having and holding good boundaries is foundational to good mental health.
Module 4:
Skillfully Asserting Your Boundaries
The four primary communication types and the one that you’re ideally aiming for.
The tried-and-true conversation framework for setting hard conversations up for success.
Tips and tools for making sure hard conversations go well.
How to stay motivated to have hard conversations and how to stay calm and grounded inside of them.
Module 5:
After Asserting, Weathering Any Storms
How to cope with poor reactions from others when you set your boundary (dealing with their anger, guilt-tripping, ignoring your boundaries, etc.).
How to cope with the hard, big feelings that rise up inside you once you set those boundaries (shame, guilt, sadness, grief, hearing their voices inside your head).
Practical considerations you may need or want to make if the boundary setting doesn’t go that well (legal, digital, safety, etc.).
Module 6:
Re-Evaluating And Renegotiating Your Boundaries
When internal shifts prompt us to want to re-evaluate our boundaries.
When external events force us to re-evaluate our boundaries.
How to take care of yourself as you re-evaluate and re-negotiate (by choice or by necessity) your boundaries.
Your Course Bonuses
(Over $1800 worth of value)
Bonus #1:
A therapist-curated reading list.
A handpicked collection of 16 high-quality resources specially designed to help you better understand the dysfunctional family relationships in your life and feel less alone in your experience. Includes particular recommendations around personality- and mood-disordered parents, addictive family systems, and childhood trauma recovery.
Value: $300
Bonus #2:
Say this, not that.
A cheatsheet of over 75 kind, clear, and firm scripts to fall back on when you’re not sure what to say and when your boundaries are being crossed. Includes examples for politics, religion, finances, children, and ending contact. Copy and paste into texts, emails, or memorize to say live to the other person when you don’t know what to say.
Value: $600
Bonus #3:
A care package for hard days.
Over 100+ resources including a series of pep talks, letters of encouragement, reminders, self-care suggestions, and a grounding audio meditation read by me that you can use on particularly hard days when you start to doubt yourself and wonder if you’re doing the right thing.
Value: $600
Bonus #4:
When no contact is the best option.
Special considerations, psychoeducation, unique concerns, and extra support for people navigating family estrangements - whether you initiated it or are at the receiving end of one. Includes ideas and supports for extra hard days: family-centric holidays, big life events, and more.
Value: $300
Plus, if you pay in full, you’ll receive a special pay-in-full bonus.
Hard Families, Good Boundaries
Your Enrollment Options
Pay In Full
Pay in full to receive a special bonus “When your in-laws are the issue.”
6 modules of video lessons.
53-page fillable workbook.
Bonus #1: A therapist-curated reading list.
Bonus #2: Say this, not that: 75 scripts.
Bonus #3: A care package for hard days.
Bonus #4: When no contact is the best option.
Lifetime access to a private Facebook group with amazing peer support.
Lifetime access to the course materials.
Payment Plan
4 Payments of $151
Select the payment plan to receive the lowest monthly payment.
6 modules of video lessons.
53-page fillable workbook.
Bonus #1: A therapist-curated reading list.
Bonus #2: Say this, not that: 75 scripts.
Bonus #3: A care package for hard days.
Bonus #4: When no contact is the best option.
Lifetime access to a private Facebook group with amazing peer support.
Lifetime access to the course materials.
What Therapists Are Saying
“As a therapist myself, Annie’s work is my go-to resource for my clients with complex relational trauma. I can’t count the number of times I have assigned a client the homework of, “read Annie Wright’s work.” Without fail, after reading Annie’s work, my clients report back feeling seen, understood, and hopeful. It’s as though a lightbulb goes off for them. My clients seem to have a sense of relief; they can now understand why they are the way they are in relationships and they are ready to change it. I typically see a surge in their self-compassion and in motivation for changing their difficult relationships. As my clients put Annie’s strategies into action, they are consistently amazed by how effective the strategies are. Suddenly things feel easier for them. They no longer constantly dread seeing a text come through from a difficult family member. They gain newfound mental bandwidth and just seem lighter, less burdened, and encouraged. I refer my clients to Annie’s work without hesitation.”
“Family estrangement is not a new concept for me. I’ve experienced estrangement in my personal life and work with couples navigating their own family estrangement in my psychotherapy practice. For years, I struggled to find resources that spoke specifically to this unique situation. I felt helpless as I attempted to navigate my personal estrangement and hated that I only had my personal experience to draw from with my psychotherapy clients. Then I found Annie Wright’s work! It felt like a ray of sunshine illuminating the treasure chest I had been searching for. Annie does an excellent job weaving her personal experiences with her professional knowledge. Her writing feels relatable, vulnerable, and speaks directly to the heart of the reader. Annie is on the front lines of creating a roadmap we can all use to improve our boundaries and navigate relationships with difficult people.”
“As a therapist, I’ve seen many wonderful, big-hearted clients struggle to navigate difficult relationships with loved ones. There can be strong love and attachment, or a sense of obligation, that conflicts with toxicity dating back to childhood. Many of my clients say something like, “I know I need to set boundaries…but how? What exactly do I do?” It’s a complicated question with a unique answer for each person, and Annie is absolutely the therapist and teacher to help you find that answer. Her warm, supportive presence and doable lessons will make boundary setting both clear and possible. On a personal note — for years I’ve enjoyed and found incredible value in Annie’s weekly words of wisdom that deliver to my email inbox. I’m thrilled that she’s created this guided course to help the many of us who struggle with boundary setting to finally find a way to free ourselves from feeling trapped in unhealthy relationships.”
This is a digital program.
Please know, you can do this course from home, from anywhere in the world, and totally on your own schedule.
Plus, you have lifetime access!
As a time-strapped working mom and natural introvert, there’s nothing more I appreciate than a course that lets me work at my own pace, wherever and however I want it.
Plus, since we’re dealing with emotional and evocative material, I’m fully aware that it may take some time to work through all the videos and journaling.
That’s why you have lifetime access to this course, too, so you can return to it again and again however and whenever you need it.
The time commitment.
How long does it take to complete the course?
The honest answer is, it depends on you and your current situation.
Most of my students are able to complete Hard Families, Good Boundaries in a few weeks.
Others might take a few extra months to work through the program.
There’s no one right or wrong way to do this course. Nor is there an optimal time frame.
The best time frame is the one that suits you and your emotional capacities and needs.
That said, I’d recommend budgeting at least a couple hours a week to go through the videos and follow through on the journaling.
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
—Chinese proverb
In an ideal world, you would have been taught from a very young age what healthy, functional relationships look like.
You would have also been taught and modeled what healthy, functional boundaries look like.
But, most likely, that didn’t happen for you.
That’s okay.
But it also means that now, right in this moment as an adult, the best time to learn and relearn what healthy, functional relationships and boundaries look like is now.
Why start today instead of waiting another six months, or a year?
You can have greater clarity about what you may need and want to do with hard family members relationally, logistically, financially in these challenging times of COVID-19.
You can figure out in advance how you may want to handle difficult family members in what’s likely to be a super challenging 2020 election season.
You’ll be better equipped to handle the holidays this year and the next: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and all the other days that can feel so hard and triggering…
You can take your weekends back. Or your workweek. Or wherever and however your time and preciously limited life energy is being drained and chipped away at.
You can free up your emotional energy for the things that are bigger priorities for you: your partner, your work, your friends, even the side business or hobby you’ve been putting off because you’re too emotionally drained.
You can model for your own children what good, healthy boundaries look like and help set them up for success with the people in their life now and in the future.
You can improve your relationship with your romantic partner, your friends, your roommates, your colleagues, and anyone else who is important to you.
Waiting another six months or a year may not seem like a big deal, but remember, the best time to plant a tree is today.
I don’t want you to come back to this page, wishing you had taken action to support yourself six months or a year ago when things are worse than they are now.
Are you ready?
You’re ready.
And this course sounds great. But you wonder if it’s for you. Read on…
How Do I Know If I’m Ready To Take This Course?
You’re ready if...
You feel ready, able, and stable enough to make positive changes in your life.
You truly want to improve your quality of life and change intergenerational patterns of dysfunctional relating down your family line.
You have some supports and resources you can turn to when things feel hard (your therapist, a good friend, a pastor, a support group).
You’re ready to do the transformational work that may be required. You know that I can guide you, but I can’t ultimately do the work for you.
You’re not ready if…
You feel like you’re in a mental health crisis.
You’re in an abusive or life-threatening relationship with the person you need to set boundaries with.
You aren’t willing to do the actual transformative work in this course of self-reflection, journaling, and possibly taking action with family (when you feel ready to, of course).
You want quick, simple fixes and a one-size-fits-all approach.
You expect this to be simple and easy.
Your Course Schedule
Because this is a self-study course, all modules are released at once.
However, I highly recommend you work through them sequentially, as they all build on each other.
Module #1
Welcome & Intro
Module #2
Healthy Vs. Unhealthy Relationships
Module #3
Boundaries 101
Module #4
Skillfully Communicating
Module #5
After Asserting, Weathering Any Storms
Module #6
Re-evaluating And Renegotiating Your Boundaries
You’ll receive all of your regular bonuses at once, too.
Plus, if you pay in full, you’ll receive your special pay in full bonus details when you enroll, too.
You’re at a crossroads, my friend.
Wouldn’t you like to live a life that feels health, happy, and nourishing no matter who is in your life?
No matter what family you were born into?
You can keep trying to figure this out on your own, attempting to say things in different ways, in different tones, working hard to get that difficult family member to understand how they’re impacting you and to stop their poor behaviors.
You can keep going over and over this in therapy each week, spending time and money to deal with it.
You can keep swallowing your needs and wants, attending obligatory gatherings and spending time, money, and your precious life energy in ways you don’t want to.
You can keep spending hours on Google late at night, reading forum threads and hunting down articles that you piecemeal together to help you figure out your family situation.
You can borrow my brain and learn from my decades of lived-out experiences plus my ten years of being a therapist specializing in dysfunctional family systems and relational trauma.
You can use my tried-and-true boundary-education and boundary-setting system to help create relief and transformation in your life.
If you’re ready to truly make a change, if you’re ready to feel empowered and grounded no matter who is in your life or what family background you come from, Hard Families, Good Boundaries is the course that’s going to help you get there.

I promise, this course can be of support to you, no matter who you are.
I don’t think my situation is as extreme as the ones you’re describing, can the course still benefit me?
If your situation isn’t “extreme” that’s wonderful, but if you still feel drained/challenged/frustrated or confused by any relationship in your life and if even a part of you suspects you could improve upon that relationship, then this course is for you. Honestly, any person in any kind of relationship, no matter where it falls on the spectrum of “challenging relationships” could benefit from this course because it teaches you how to seek out and cultivate healthier relationships and how to use boundaries to improve your life.
My situation is really complex. It involves children/aging parents/shared finances/one person I want to be in touch with but others I don’t/family members with mental illness. Can the course still help me?
Yes, yes, and yes! This course doesn’t require you to have a particular set of conditions to benefit from taking it. This course meets you where you’re at - whatever your situation looks like - and is both specific-enough in the content and broad-enough in the transformational inquiries to help you work through your situation, get clearer, and take any empowered action you may want to take no matter what your circumstances look like.
I’m pretty sure I don’t want to have a relationship with this person, should I even take the course if I’ve decided on my boundary?
Absolutely! Determining whether or not you want to set a boundary with someone is one part of the course. If you’ve already decided what boundary you need and want to set, this course can still benefit you by not only affirming/reaffirming your decision, but also providing you with tons of tools and resources to support you in your decision. Also, this course can also help you walk through a process to determine when and if you might want to ever shift your boundary with that person in the future.
I don’t have a hard family member in my life, but I do have a hard boss/roommate/business partner. Can this course still benefit me?
Absolutely! The principles I teach about recognizing healthy relationships, clarifying your boundaries, and asserting them in responsible, effective ways, and then coping with any feelings that come up from the other person or from you can be applied to any relationship under the sun. It doesn’t have to just include a hard family relationship.
I don’t think I’m ever going to feel good and confident when it comes to my family. Should I take the course?
It makes sense that you would feel that way and that it would be hard to imagine you would ever feel more at ease and at peace when you’ve never felt that way in those relationships before. But we also arrive at those feeling states - at ease, and at peace - by doing the transformational work - both inner and outer - that this course teaches. If you are willing to do the work, trust, and have faith that those better feelings might be waiting for you even if they’re hard to believe now, then yes, I recommend you take the course.
I’m already working with a therapist. Can I benefit from this course?
Yes! This course can be a perfect complement to your work with your therapist. You can take the insights and discoveries, needs and wants that emerge for you from working through this course into your one-on-one therapy work.
Is this course therapy? Are you my therapist now?
No, this course isn’t therapy. This is educational content but it is no substitute for professional advice from a licensed mental health provider. By signing up for this course, you are not entering into a therapist-client relationship with me. But if you need additional support and you live in California, there are resources included in the course material for you to explore to start working with your own therapist.
I’m the parent of someone who has estranged themselves from me. Can this course be of support to me?
This is a hard position to be in. While this course is primarily about learning how to set skillful boundaries, there is so much valuable content in here about healthy, functional relationship dynamics and coping with hard painful feelings that might be valuable to help you understand what may have led to the fractured relationship and that might also help you cope with your feelings through the experience.
It’s not my family that’s hard, it’s my in-laws. Can this course support me and my significant other to deal with them?
Yes, definitely, but please make sure you pay in full to receive the very special bonus I crafted to address this exact problem: When Your In-Laws Are The Issue. I include specific information, prompts, and exercises to support you if your challenging family members are in-laws. Beyond this bonus, please know that you can do the course with or without your partner and still walk away with valuable insights and a plan of action.
Why should I even care about this course? What’s the point?
Often, when we come from dysfunctional families of origin, we may not have a good sense of what appropriate boundaries are, what healthy relationship looks like, and how to skillfully communicate, assert and hold our boundaries with those family members. My course can help those who never were taught or modeled these things to actually learn what they are in theory and practice and moreover, for those who have strained and estranged family relationships currently, the course also contains modules and exercises to help you decide whether or not the boundary you're currently holding is appropriate and whether it needs to be strengthened. And my course can also support you in thinking through what you may need and want if you decide you'd like to shift your boundaries or if your boundaries are externally forced to change.
I don’t want to have to watch videos, I learn best from reading. Is this course just videos?
Nope! I’ve included videos of me speaking all the content if you’d like to watch, an audio recording of everything I say if you’d like to listen while you go about the house doing chores, or transcript if you learn best from reading. There’s a learning style and information-consuming option here for everyone!
Hard Families, Good Boundaries
A step-by-step online program to feeling good no matter who is in your life.
Your Enrollment Options
Pay In Full
Pay in full to receive a special bonus “When your in-laws are the issue.”
6 modules of video lessons.
53-page fillable workbook.
Bonus #1: A therapist-curated reading list.
Bonus #2: Say this, not that: 75 scripts.
Bonus #3: A care package for hard days.
Bonus #4: When no contact is the best option.
Lifetime access to a private Facebook group with amazing peer support.
Lifetime access to the course materials.
Payment Plan
4 Payments of $151
Select the payment plan and receive the lowest monthly payment.
6 modules of video lessons.
53-page fillable workbook.
Bonus #1: A therapist-curated reading list.
Bonus #2: Say this, not that: 75 scripts.
Bonus #3: A care package for hard days.
Bonus #4: When no contact is the best option.
Lifetime access to a private Facebook group with amazing peer support.
Lifetime access to the course materials.
What People Are Saying
“Annie first captured my attention in her work about complex relational trauma. From this work, I began to realize the many maladaptive thoughts and beliefs I’ve been carrying throughout my life and the problems they were causing me.”
“You have given me encouragement that I’m on the right path towards a more healthy state of mind. Everyone needs to practice good boundaries!”
“I’ve been positively impacted by Annie’s teachings on boundaries in that I am now mindful of my boundaries and am now more comfortable enforcing my boundaries and leaving a situation once I feel they have been compromised. I am also much more comfortable keeping my parents at arm’s length since the only thing they ever seem to do is speak harshly and critically about the way I live my life. I also find myself staying neutral and non-committal when they start with the guilt trips about not seeing them more, being more involved in the day to day workings of their lives, etc.. It’s very hard to be around them without feeling traumatized and spiraling into a depression. I’ve come to learn boundaries are super important! One thing I appreciate about Annie’s work is her tone. I never feel like I’m being preached to, lectured, or blamed. Other therapists that I’ve had have taken a harsher tone with me, and I found that I was less willing to open up to them and less willing to share my true feelings because I was afraid of being blamed for my emotions or having my feelings dismissed. I really like how Annie approaches topics in a gentle and friendly way.”
“I consider you to be a new generation Louise Hay. Kind and gentle with helping others to deal with sharp edges from their past!”
— Kim, Kingman, AZ
Investing In This Course
An individual therapy session with me is $400/hour.
Best case scenario, clients looking to work through hard family issues to set, affirm, and uphold those boundaries can imagine needing to work with me one-on-one weekly for minimum three months.
That’s an investment of $4800.
This course is 1/12th of that cost.
Moreover, you can return back to this content whenever you choose, replicating what I teach you time and time again as you face different relationships in your life.
I’m not just going to help you get a fish so you can eat.
I’m going to teach you to be the proverbial fisherman so you can eat for the rest of your life.
What Happens When You Purchase The Course?
Step 1: Enroll.
Purchase the course (either pay in full or payment plan) here on this page. You can pay with a credit card.
Step 2: Receive Details.
You’ll receive an email with a little welcome message from me, all the details for accessing the course, and answers to some of the most common questions students have when enrolling. If you paid in full, you’ll also receive your special pay in full bonuses, too.
Step 3: Access Your Course.
Using the login details you created, you can access Hard Families, Good Boundaries. All of the modules and bonuses will be waiting for you right away!
When does the course begin and end?
The course begins and ends whenever you want it to! It’s always up and available for purchase so that students can begin working through it whenever they want.
Are there any prerequisites?
The only prerequisite to this course is to have an open mind and a brave heart.
What is the refund policy?
All the details of the course refund policy can be found here.
Do I get lifetime access to the course material?
Yes, absolutely!
Are there any other material or equipment costs besides the enrollment cost of the course?
No. You can certainly purchase a special journal or notebook to do your course journaling work in, but you could also use a free Google doc, scrap paper, etc. And please note, I’ve included an editable PDF workbook in this course for you to use with your journal prompts.
What’s the difference between this course and doing therapy with you?
Therapy with me is a much more customized, personal, and intimate experience. There’s nothing quite like it in terms of the level of closeness that I develop with my students. But this course is the next best thing because, even though we may not get to work together personally, you can still benefit from my 10 years of specializing in dysfunctional family systems and relational trauma. You’ll receive all my expertise distilled into one course! And if you would still like to explore working with me one-on-one after you complete the course, we can certainly get in touch about that - all details to connect with me are included in the course.
Will you be inside Facebook answering all of my questions?
The private Facebook community is designed to be peer-led support. I will gather you all inside and trust you to support each other and help each other feel less alone in your experiences of moving through boundary-setting with hard family members. I’ll be creating weekly journaling prompts and making surprise live appearances inside the group to support you.
What is the investment?
The investment for this course as a self-study option is $597 if you pay in full (or four payments of $151 spread out over four months). You can pay by credit card.
Meet Annie Wright, LMFT
Hey my friend.
I consider myself an incredibly lucky person.
Every day I get to do work that not only feels meaningful and fulfilling, but also, to me, feels like nothing short of a calling.
If you had asked me at age 10 what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answers would have included some iteration of:
“A witch. A children’s book author. The President. Indiana Jones.”
I would never, ever have said, “A trauma therapist.”
(I mean, what 10-year-old would?)
My path to this work was not planned, but I do think it was destined.
You see, I come from a background of complex relational trauma – early childhood abuse and neglect coupled with periodic poverty caused by and coupled with inheriting a legacy of intergenerational trauma down both family lines.
This led to a childhood and adolescence colored by survival and coping, living a shell of a life as a result of all that was unaddressed and unhealed from my early days.
But then, in my early twenties, because of a series of external and internal events, I started my own healing work and earned back my life.
I experience the powerful and transformative impacts of psychotherapy, giving me a truly beautiful life despite early adverse beginnings.
My twenties were about recovering, about reclaiming my life.
My thirties have been about training as rigorously and comprehensively as I can to help give others the same kind of relief and hope and opportunity that I experienced from this work 15 years ago.
The work of my life has now become my life’s work.
Bottom line: if you’ve ever heard of the term Wounded Healer, that archetype basically sums my life up.
I do my work in the world now in a variety of ways: I’m a practicing therapist and I also founded and run a boutique therapy center here in Berkeley, California staffed with seasoned, trauma-informed clinicians.
And I’m a mental health writer and online course creator.
I’ve been featured in press and media over 100 times including in publications like Forbes, NBC, The Huffington Post, and Buzzfeed and I write a popular mental health blog that receives about 42,000 unique views per month.
Every bit of my work in the world - whether through my online courses or through my direct therapy services - is designed to support people like you who are struggling with difficult (sometimes incredibly difficult!) family members (whether this is family-of-origin or in laws).
I help people create lives of meaning, fulfillment, and robust mental health, no matter what and who is in their lives.
I’m a licensed psychotherapist and an expert in early childhood trauma, yes, but I’m also a woman who has worked her butt off in her personal life to learn and implement all of this, too.
I can’t wait to share everything I’ve learned with you.
Warmly, Annie
What People Are Saying
“I am a survivor of both physical and emotional abuse. To this day, Mother's Day is still incredibly difficult for me. Your work about forgiving someone when I am ready and to be gentle with myself and how to be there for yourself if you didn't have a loving mother figure help. Your work has also helped me to speak out to my family members about painful issues and, using the approaches and methods you have written about, I’ve worked through these issues, while still keeping my boundaries.”
— Kim, Kingman, AZ
“I love Annie’s work! She’s warm and encouraging and always make me think. Since she has personal experience with intergenerational trauma, she is uniquely equipped to advise on these challenging and often overlooked topics such as holding boundaries with difficult family members. I am thankful for kind-hearted souls like Annie who make me feel like I can not only heal but flourish. I only wish I’d found her sooner!”
— Barbara, Shenandoah Valley, VA
“Creating boundaries with difficult family members is never easy. I’ve worked with a quite a few clients and have friends who have struggled with the feelings of loss, guilt and shame when creating and maintaining those boundaries. When sharing my conversation, Unbinding Family Ties with Annie Wright, I’ve heard back from clients and friends how helpful it was. They told me that they felt truly validated in their choices around whether or not to maintain difficult family relationships. I appreciated Annie’s depth of knowledge and her personal experience with when and why it’s important to set healthy familial boundaries. She’s a great resource!”
— Elizabeth Cush, MA, LCPC, Annapolis, MD
Enroll now in Hard Families, Good Boundaries
A step-by-step online program to feeling good and empowered no matter who is in your life.
Your Enrollment Options
Pay in Full
Pay in full to receive a special bonus “When your in-laws are the issue.”
6 modules of video lessons.
53-page fillable workbook.
Bonus #1: A therapist-curated reading list.
Bonus #2: Say this, not that: 75 scripts.
Bonus #3: A care package for hard days.
Bonus #4: When no contact is the best option.
Lifetime access to a private Facebook group with amazing peer support.
Lifetime access to the course materials.
Payment Plan
4 Payments of $151
Select the payment plan and receive the lowest monthly payment.
6 modules of video lessons.
53-page fillable workbook.
Bonus #1: A therapist-curated reading list.
Bonus #2: Say this, not that: 75 scripts.
Bonus #3: A care package for hard days.
Bonus #4: When no contact is the best option.
Lifetime access to a private Facebook group with amazing peer support.
Lifetime access to the course materials.