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Please check your inbox for a direct link to your free resource. And, before you go, if you’re struggling with challenging family members or really any difficult person in your life, I’d love to have you watch my free masterclass: “How To Feel Good No Matter Who Is In Your Life.”
In this free masterclass, I'll show you the four key steps to feeling good and empowered no matter who is in your life (yes, really!), and some tools that you can put into use immediately.
Sign up below to get instant access to the masterclass or keep reading below to learn more about what I cover in this one-hour free webinar.
A Free Masterclass with Annie Wright, LMFT
How To Feel Good No Matter Who Is In Your Life.
If you come from a dysfunctional and challenging family system, this workshop will help you create a healthy, thriving adulthood so that you feel better no matter who is in your life.
If you would like to feel empowered, grounded, and like your best adult self, please sign up to watch this free masterclass so Annie Wright, LMFT can support you.
The difficult people in your life are driving you crazy and you don’t know how to fix it. If this sounds like you, then this free masterclass is for you. In this free masterclass, you will learn…
A four-part framework to feeling good no matter who is in your life.
How answering one question can really help you feel clear about how to feel empowered, grounded, and like your best adult self.
How and what you need to educate yourself about in order to best take care of yourself given the unique dynamics in your life.
How and what you need to equip yourself with so that you can communicate and set effective boundaries with the difficult people in your life.
And what results you can expect when you create a pathway and a system so that, even if you come from a dysfunctional and challenging family system, a healthy, thriving adulthood is possible for you.
Watching this free masterclass could dramatically improve your relationships, your own mental health, and even the next several years of your life. Truly, I want you to get the most value possible out of this training. If you are ready to feel good no matter who is in your life, sign up below to get instant access and watch the free masterclass now!
Meet Your Host - Annie Wright, LMFT
Hi friends, I’m Annie. I developed this free masterclass to help you create a healthy, thriving adulthood.
Every bit of my work in the world is designed to support people like you who are struggling with difficult family members, early childhood trauma, and dysfunctional family systems.
I’m a mental health writer and online course creator who has been featured in press and media over 100 times including in publications like Forbes, NBC, The Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, and more.
The content in this free masterclass is the transformative, empowering information I’ve learned - both personally and professionally - and I can’t wait to share everything I know with you.
Warmly, Annie
It’s time to stop letting the difficult people in your life drive you crazy.
If you’ve been unsure how to deal with difficult people in your life, this free masterclass is for you. Now’s your chance to learn how to feel calm, clear, empowered, and grounded before, during, and after being in contact with others and feel good no matter who is in your life. Sign up below and you’ll have access to this free masterclass instantly!