“Annie’s work on the identified patient and the commonplace nature of family estrangements gave me permission to release the heaviness and let go of the shame and guilt I've been carrying. I’m grateful to her for her wisdom and relatable writing!”
“As a therapist myself, Annie's work is my go-to resource for my clients with complex relational trauma. I can't count the number of times I have assigned a client the homework of, "read Annie Wright's blog". Without fail, after reading Annie's writings, my clients report back feeling seen, understood, and hopeful. It's as though a lightbulb goes off for them. My clients seem to have a sense of relief; they can now understand why they are the way they are in relationships and they are ready to change it. I typically see a surge in their self-compassion and in motivation for changing their difficult relationships. As my clients put Annie's strategies into action, they are consistently amazed by how effective the strategies are. Suddenly things feel easier for them. They no longer constantly dread seeing a text come through from a difficult family member. They gain newfound mental bandwidth and just seem lighter, less burdened, and encouraged. It is evident Annie knows her stuff. I am extremely particular when referring my client to resources. I refer my clients to Annie's work without hesitation.”
-Samantha Barr, MA, LPC, NCC, Portland, OR
“For a long time I thought that my family of origin was “normal.” But when I got married and started my own family I knew I wanted my children to have a different childhood than mine. Through Annie’s work I have learned what healthy boundaries look like and recognized how dysfunctional my “normal” childhood was. Annie’s work encouraged me to look at difficult family relationships with curiosity and compassion not judgment and I was able to set boundaries with difficult family members. They haven’t changed, but the the trauma of those interactions is less because of my boundaries. My relationships have improved in theory and practice. By setting boundaries with my parents I am much more relaxed when I visit and it no longer takes me weeks to “get over” it.”
-Meghan, Augusta, GA
“I am a survivor of both physical and emotional abuse. To this day, Mother's Day is still incredibly difficult for me. Your work about forgiving someone when I am ready and to be gentle with myself and how to be there for yourself if you didn't have a loving mother figure help. Your work has also helped me to speak out to my family members about painful issues and, using the approaches and methods you have written about, I’ve worked through these issues, while still keeping my boundaries.”
“I feel really validated by your work, as someone seeking to break the cycle of family dysfunction and shame. Understanding how even a childhood without intentional abuse, with a parent who themselves was traumatised, can lead to depression and self doubt, has helped me enormously. There are lots of resources available about this, but you seem to really understand it, I trust your take on it! ”
-Sarah, Wales
“I consider you to be a new generation Louise Hay. Kind and gentle with helping others to deal with sharp edges from their past!”
-Kim, Kingman, AZ
“I’ve been positively impacted by Annie’s teachings on boundaries in that I am now mindful of my boundaries and am now more comfortable enforcing my boundaries and leaving a situation once I feel they have been compromised. I am also much more comfortable keeping my parents at arm’s length since the only thing they ever seem to do is speak harshly and critically about the way I live my life. I also find myself staying neutral and non-committal when they start with the guilt trips about not seeing them more, being more involved in the day to day workings of their lives, etc.. It’s very hard to be around them without feeling traumatized and spiraling into a depression. I’ve come to learn boundaries are super important!
One thing I appreciate about Annie’s work is her tone. I never feel like I’m being preached to, lectured, or blamed. Other therapists that I’ve had have taken a harsher tone with me, and I found that I was less willing to open up to them and less willing to share my true feelings because I was afraid of being blamed for my emotions or having my feelings dismissed. I really like how Annie approaches topics in a gentle and friendly way. ”
-Kathy, Roseville, MN
“You have given me encouragement that I'm on the right path towards a more healthy state of mind. Everyone needs to practice good boundaries!”
-Mindy, Wadesboro, NC
“I love Annie’s work! She’s warm and encouraging and always make me think. Since she has personal experience with intergenerational trauma, she is uniquely equipped to advise on these challenging and often overlooked topics such as holding boundaries with difficult family members. This re-parenting one’s self is difficult work and I am thankful for kind-hearted souls like Annie who make me feel like I can not only heal but flourish. I only wish I’d found her sooner!”
-Barbara, Shenandoah Valley, VA
“Creating boundaries with difficult family members is never easy. I’ve worked with a quite a few clients and have friends who have struggled with the feelings of loss, guilt and shame when creating and maintaining those boundaries.
When sharing my conversation, Unbinding Family Ties with Annie Wright, I’ve heard back from clients and friends how helpful it was. They told me that they felt truly validated in their choices around whether or not to maintain difficult family relationships.
I appreciated Annie’s depth of knowledge and her personal experience with when and why it’s important to set healthy familial boundaries. She’s a great resource!”
-Elizabeth Cush, MA, LCPC, Annapolis, MD
“Annie first captured my attention in her work about complex relational trauma. From this work, I began to realize the many maladaptive thoughts and beliefs I’ve been carrying throughout my life and the problems they were causing me. I’ve continued to follow Annie’s work as she offers realistic suggestions about how to heal through relationship, which has encouraged me to deepen my work with my therapist.”
-Jennifer, Delaware
“Annie’s work has provided me with an understanding of my place within my birth family, guidance on being true to myself and caring for myself, and tools for thoughtfully and compassionately dealing with my family before and after my father’s illness and death. Annie helped me come through two rough years much more prepared for a future of positive relationships.”
-Meridith, Oregon
“The only thing that was holding me back from enrolling was money but I knew I could sell some old stuff lying around my house for cash and make it up for the course fee. It took me a few days to really go for it but it was all wort””
“I definitely thought my family dysfunction would be way too hard for this to really make any difference so I figured if it didn’t work with my family it would still be good for work and other relationships. Boundaries feel the most difficult with family members but the tools in this class are incredibly useful in less complicated relationships and it’s helping me to learn how to set and hold boundaries when I wasn’t taught how to do it. Getting to learn this with such great support in a warm and soothing environment was just too good of an opportunity to pass up. We have to learn it eventually any way so might as well do it with a gifted therapist in a cohort of like minded companions.”
“The price was holding me back from enrolling --I've been unemployed for a while and am *just* starting a new job this week, ack! -- but I am really glad I joined. The course has been worthwhile, especially because of the community and finding others who “get it.””
“So I was initially concerned that the course would not address my family of origin concerns. I was trafficked by my mother and grandmother and both sides of my family were really hard. I was actually pleasantly surprised in the course that, even though the topic of trafficking was not directly addressed, all of the course content as well as the course bonuses actually felt supportive and extremely supportive in my particular circumstance.”